Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thought for the day...

Ever since I was a kid, I used to think about life and what mattered, what should matter, what I wanted to be when I grew up, what I wanted my life to be like. Early on I had already made up my mind that I wanted a life of success, happiness, prosperity, joy, but most of all I wanted to be able to look back on my life when I'm old and be happy with what I did with it- not just content, not satisfied, but truly, undeniably happy. As I got older realized it's not what you did with your life that matters, it's what God did with your life that matters. Within the past year my family has lost several loved ones, been diagnosed with serious illnesses, marriages have fallen name it, it's happened! There's been several times I've looked up to God and told him "You see what's going on?!? This is CRAZY!!!" and I knew he agreed completely, but I learned God is really good at making good things happen out of the worst of circumstances if we trust him enough to try. This past year I feel like I got my life back-no more chemo, no more shots. I was able to eat with my family at Christmas because I could actually taste the food, I had the energy to play with my nephews instead of listening to them laughing when I was lying in bed, I could be around people without worrying about being put in the hospital...I had my life back. Things were looking good, then last month I found another lump and couldn't believe it! The thought of the cancer of getting out of control was scary! Three doctor appointments and a mastectomy later, I'm back on my feet stronger than ever. Looking back on my 24 years of life, I'm amazed not at what I have done, but at what God has done! Two weeks after my surgery I was back on the podium conducting my students, feeling so alive, thankful for another day to teach, and simply thankful for another day! The source of our strength, courage, passion, fearlessness, and hope comes from God, and God alone. Without him, we are helpless, defenseless, hopeless, doubtful, and incapable of accomplishing the smallest of things. Don't live your life consumed about what you want to do with it. Live your life consumed with what you want God to do with it! Just as sure as God made little green apples, you'll be able to look back on your time here on earth and be happy with what you see.